Taken a bit later in the evening than the glowing, gold version. While I like the golden version, I think the bluer tones capture the spirit of the ghostly Sutro Baths a bit better.
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 24-70L, f/20 @ 10s (to smooth out the water), ISO 50. Lee 2-stop GND handheld in front of the lens.
Another image from Thursday evening's dramatic sunset. The clouds were moving and changing so fast that each image I took seems so different.
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 24-70L, 2/22 @ .6s, ISO 50. Lee 2-stop soft and 3-stop hard GNDs stacked and angled.
I lucked out yesterday evening as the storm broke up right at sunset and the clouds lit up with pink and orange-y red. The not-so-neutral density filter lends a slight magenta cast to the image, which I've kept because I liked it :)
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 24-70L, f/14 @ 5s, ISO 50. GND .9 hard and .6 soft, stacked and angled a bit diagonally.
I'd passed by the Sutro Baths for years without knowing they were ever there. Thanks to Flickr, I'd seen some beautiful images made there and finally went to explore last weekend. I found the place so inspiring, with so many interesting angles! It dawned on me that I might have found it so interesting because I haven't seen many images made there, and so I have fewer preconceived postcards in my mind, allowing my mind to wander freely. I still made a few images from this location, which I'd seen before, but I have a bunch of others that I'm excited to share that are (hopefully) somewhat unique.
There was a beautiful, partly cloudy sky overhead, which created the pretty reflections in the water.
Canon 5D Mk II, Canon 24-70L, f/22 @ 3s, ISO 50. .6 soft and .9 hard GNDs.
A valentine, photographer-style :)
This is Seal Rock, just offshore from Lands End.
In the spirit of photographing more of the Bay Area's non-postcard views, here's an image of an underrated San Francisco destination: Lands End. The cypress forest and beautiful green understory near the Cliff House are often bathed in magical light like this. If you haven't been there, check it out!
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 24-70L, f/7.1 @ 1/40, ISO 400. Handheld.
This was taken last week during the crazy string of amazing sunsets. The view of the Bay Area from the East Bay hills is amazing. This vantage point is near Grizzly Peak up above Berkeley.
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-200L, f/10 @ 10s, ISO 50. No filters.