Saturday, November 3, 2007

American Apparel Spoof

Since moving to LA, one of my favorite pastimes has become people watching. Particularly watching what people wear. Sometimes I can't believe what some girls think is an acceptable, even attractive, outfit. I call this game "What is that girl wearing?!"

For Halloween I decided to spoof my hatred of all things Ugg, leggings, lamee, and big belts, and do it up blonde style. Of course, I couldn't do this without going all the way and doing a photoshoot. These are the resulting "American Apparel ad" spoofs. Enjoy!

For the technically inclined, these were shot with my Canon XT and a 24-70L lens. They were taken in my apartment with low ambient light and are primarily lit with a 550EX speedlite that was mostly bounced off the ceiling. Much of the post processing was done with Kevin Kubota's Actions.

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